Tip{py} Tuesday: With A Smile on my Face and a Song in my Heart- Trying to Remain Pleasant While Visiting Family


We have all been there before; thrusted into a situation with a family member who makes some comments about your children or family. Most common “well your cousins son does that and he’s fine”, “it’s just a phase”, and “they will out grow it”. I feel like I need to carry around my children’s medical diagnosis to shut some people up. When visiting family I constantly feel defensive about my kids diagnosises. I get tired, hurt and annoyed with the constant snide comments and family playing doctor with their own diagnosis.

So what do you do? You can argue and pull out the paperwork and explain in great detail how their constant farting nosies they make is “not a boy thing” it’s called a stem. You can educate people until you are blue in the face, but after six years I have learned to save face and my breath.

It’s hard. It’s more than hard; it is almost damn near impossible for me to keep my mouth shut. Not to mention you can read me like a book. I was very good in theater. I have a tendency to get very defensive about topics I know a lot about. So I have to press my lips together and bite the inside of my mouth to keep from being the next breaking news story.

My momma taught me that if I have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all. At my age I still heed that warning. Sometimes it’s better to just say nothing to the people you love. Take what they say with a grain of salt and all those other euphuism we have all acquired over time.

So next time your faced with a family member who just keeps digging at you, slap a smile on your face and put a song in your heart and remember that they are just family.

Wordy Wednesday…Daddies!

So I spent a long time this morning ordering a gift for my husband for Father’s Day (Sunday, June 15- don’t forget!!!).  I had one of those $20 coupons for shutterfly.com but the gift I made was less than $20 so I couldn’t use it…So I had to add something else to get to $20, which doubled my shipping, blah, blah, blah…But I think it turned out cute, so after lots of mouse clicking, teeth grinding, and coffee drinking my order is complete.  I started thinking of my hubby and all the awesome stuff he does for me and our kids:

  1. makes my coffee on the weekends
  2. always carries in the groceries when I get home
  3. makes me a drink on the weekends
  4. gives our boys a bath
  5. is a master of doing dishes
  6. does laundry
  7. is sweet to my mom
  8. makes sure to set the DVR to record the shows he knows I like
  9. when I panic about cleaning the house he’ll step in and do the chores I like the least even after being at work all day
  10. cleans the litter box
  11. plays with the kids while I finish dinner so I don’t trip over them and burn them with boiling liquid
  12. surprises me with a date every once in a while that I had no part in planning
  13. will open the door for me and is teaching our boys to do the same
  14. teaches the kids how to do the things I don’t have the patience to teach them
  15. sets up a tent for the kids to play with inside…which they LOVED!!!
  16. and on, and on, and on…



I seriously could go on and on.  As Daddy Day nears, I am going to try to remember all these awesome things he does every day for us.  It doesn’t mean that sometimes I don’t want him to do things the “right way’, (to be honest it’s really just “my way,” so that’s probably pretty subjective).  It doesn’t mean I don’t get irritated when I feel like I’ve told him something a million times and he’s looking at me like he has no clue what I’m talking about.  Hey, nobody’s perfect, me or him.  I just know sometimes I can get caught up with the negative, the nit-picking, and lose sight of the big picture.  And the big picture is?  Daddies/ Husbands rock.  Especially ours.

I’ll try to remember that the next time he dresses one of our boys in what he calls “Daddy Outfits.” 🙂



Tip{py} Tuesday: Traveling Tips with Preschoolers


Well it has started … our grand tour of hotel rooms, air mattress and visiting family our kids have never met. Their routines are getting changed hourly, their limited diets shrank and tantrums are a common hourly event. I’m not gonna lie, during lunch today I had to mojitos for lunch. It’s been a long day and it is only the first one without Hubs here to back me up. However, I didn’t come unprepared.

so I reach into my Barney bag and I find a lot of things! From gizmoos and gadgets to odds and ends and even some old string….

Yea, I just did that. If your real good I’ll even finish singing the Barney bag song from Barney. Is that show even still on? God I hope not. But it did inspire my Barney bag.

This time I even had Barney bags for each kid and myself made. Ultimately, after we are done being nomads the bags will be used as “going to grandmas house” bags. Here are a few things and tips I use to pack them:

Tip 1: Only pack what they can get out themselves. A new toy bag is no fun when you aren’t even allowed to get our toys out of them. So anything that goes into the bag is free for our kids to take out unsupervised.

Tip 2: Pack goodies they aren’t always allowed to have. I don’t buy my children play dough. Ever. It’s messy and stains and I just can’t stand picking up the millions of little crumb pieces. So instead, to not totally deprive my kids of childhood memories, I save play dough for travel. I don’t want to be totally rude but is rather the maid at the hotel or someone on the plane deal with it. Instead of the large pots, I purchase the small mini ones that are normally used for birthday party treats. This way each kid gets a few colors and it’s small enough to back in a carry on and doesn’t take up all the room.

Tip 3: Crayola Magic Wonder products. My kids are little artists. They love coloring but they also have ADHD and can’t concentrate for long. Then factor in grandparents who are used to having littles around all the time and the messes they can make it letting a kid color in a color book turns into a disaster. As soon as I found this product a few years back I have always wanted to kiss the persons feet who invented it. The paint and markers only color on paper. No color shows up any where else. It’s mmmmaaagggiiiccc- and so cool.

Tip 4: Pack a water bottle. My kids are always asking for water. There are times I can’t get it. Henco facto I always pack a non spillable water bottle so they can help their little selves.

Tip 5: Got electronics? We do. So I make sure to pack them in their little bags and back the chargers in mine. Can’t leave home without it.

Hope these tips help during your summer travels!

Tip{py} Tuesday: Tips to Help Teach Your ASD How to Wash Themselves


Sniff. My children are growing up. All those cute little quirks they used to have aren’t so cute anymore. I’ll admit some are annoying, aggravating and time consuming. At the end of the day all I want to do is have some clean and happy kids. However, it took awhile for those two little unassuming words to be used in the same sentence. I’m talking years people! How did we get there? By force.

It all started two years ago when we had to move to a new house on post. As luck would have it we got a HAH (handicap accessible house). It was a one story with lowered light switched, toilets and a zero entry shower. Up until this point our children had only taken baths. Yes, we could have continue to give them baths in the master bathroom, but to me that wasn’t an option; it was an opportunity. At some point in their lives they would eventually have to take showers. They would also have to take them unassisted. Issue was they hated showers; loathed them. They would all scream in unison when we would try. Baths were just easier on the ears.

But I was determined. I wanted those few precious minutes of my life back eventually. So we threw them in cold turkey.

Tip:: At first, pick one night a week to do a shower; the rest baths. Gradually add more nights as shower nights and lower the number of bath nights.

We basically lied. Yup. We are great parents. We told them they had no option. We did make it fun though. Here is how we did it:

We treated it like a play time at first. We had the kids shower in their swimsuits!

They thought it was a so cool we let them shower in them. It honestly took a little persuasion getting Bug into the shower. Why? Because you aren’t suppose to wear clothes in the shower. Duh! Sometimes this kid….

Next we used bath toys. We went to the store and had them each pick out a few different ones. We then got some shave cream and made colored shaving cream.

We also used music. Our children love music and to dance. So we had a little dance party in our swimming suits.

I realize some peoples showers may not be as oversized as ours. At that point in time we were lucky to be able to shower all three at once. Now, due to age, we shower Bug alone. However, you can easily use all these tips for showering one at a time.

So the actual washing part- this is an example of how my kids washed themselves: 0.1 milliseconds of actual scrubbing time.

Of course that will not work when they are 13 and are a walking deodorant stick. So to keep my children from public embarrassment, I need to teach them how to actually clean themselves.

Basically, it is the same set up at washing their hands. I said they lick music, so…. They now sing the washing your hands song to clean their bodies. Of course we adapted it a little.

“Wash, wash, wash you arms
Get them nice and clean.
First the bottoms, then the tops,
And everywhere in between.”

Yea, we are cheesy. But it works. So we sing that about three times. More when dirtier. Then interchange the words for each appendage.

Lastly, you want to look at your shower space and see how it is set up. If you are sharing a shower with you entire family, you will want to move dangerous items out of their reach. I suggest buying a few of the bathroom caddys that suction cup to the wall. Then you can place your razors and other dangerous objects high out of their reach. I also suggest to but additional ones for each child. Place them lower within their reach. Add in such items as their toothbrush, toothpaste, wash cloth and other items.

We are not yet to independent shower taking, but at least we have set up our kids to succeed.

Mommy Moment Monday…We need another holiday!

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I love the holiday season!  The gatherings, food, decorations, the holiday spirit, all of it!  When it’s time to take all the decorations down and pack them away until next year, I always find it to be soooooo depressing…My house looks bare and Valentine’s Day seems too far away.  My niece came up with a great idea to combat these winter blahs.  She came up with a new holiday she deems, “The Festival of Snow and Light!”  She decided they were allowed to keep up any decorations that were more “winter” than “Christmas,” like snowmen, white twinkle lights, etc…What to do with the gaping hole in the living room where the Chrismtas tree used to be?  “Don’t worry, Mom,”  she said.  “We can make some more paper snowflakes to go on the windows in that corner.”

Aren’t kids great?  🙂

Some ways to celebrate The Festival of Snow and Light:

-paper snowflakes

-make “snow” art using cotton balls, glue, and construction paper

-read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats (watch in on youtube here)

-watch snow/ winter-themed movies like Snow Day

-go outside and make snow angels, snowballs, and forts.  Follow with hot chocolate, of course!

-make “snowball” cookies

-decorate your bedroom with white twinkle lights.  Bonus, they are probably on Christmas clearance right now, so it’s a great time to stock up!

Have fun and stay warm!