Nothing and Everything

This is not a post about a good family recipe, tip on how to do/make anything, a funny story about a kid or anything of the like. It is about nothing and everything all at the same time.

Several months ago this day was planned. The timeline changed every time we brought it up with all the things we wanted to accomplish in this 24 hours. However, all we cared about was one simple thing- ourselves.

As a parent you are made to become unselfish. Instead of stocking your closet with the latest fall fashions; it’s the newest shower head with 17 jets and removable to help with washing kids hair. You can’t remember the last time you had a check up; but your kids are always up to date on shots. The pantry is always stocked with goldfish and applesauce but do they even make Milano cookies anymore? I know from person experience, and can probably speak for several reading this, that your wants/needs are seldom filled. For me the joy has come down to new pillows for the couch. So when a opportunity to do something that would solely benefit me comes up; I feel guilty taking it. But I did; and ran like a thief with it.


