Tip{py} Tuesdays- DIY Trail Mix Bags

I while back I blogged about how I acquired my sons old school pencil box and turned it into our snack boxes we stash in the diaper bag and purse. It is a amazing idea because I know you as well as me hates cracker bits, dried gummies and half eaten chips smooshed into the bottom of your purse. But what should we even pack to begin with?

I stopped buying gummies (fruit snacks) a long time ago. At $3.50 for a box of 8 they were gone the moment I brought them in the house (Hubs should really attend a 12 step program for this), not to mention they don’t even fill my spawn up. Five seconds later they’d be asking for more. So I looked for healthier and hunger sustaining options. And then a mom showed me her idea that has forever rocked my world.

She too had three kids who seemed like bottomless pits. Every weekend she would take a few moments while the kids were busy with dad and create her own trail snack mixes. She loaded up some ziplock bags and placed them in a child-accessible parent-monitored location (she had hers in the center of the dinning room table). Then during the week as their fuel levels reached empty, she’d tell the kids to grab a snack bag. I loved this idea and adapted it for our own family. But I use them on outings to keep the kids busy, happy and full.


Here is a list of healthy (and not so healthy) ideas:

Pretzels (mine like the sticks)
Cheese its
Jelly beans
Yogurt covered raisins
Yogurt covered craisins (my favorite)
M & Ms
100 calorie snack packs (I love these because they have oatmeal clusters, cookies and other snacks with proportion already in mind)
Dried cereal

There are dozens of combinations you can make. But don’t forget yourself! As moms we tend to make sure we have everything we need for the kids- extra diapers, wipes, sippy cups and a toy. But I am always forgetting to bring myself a water bottle or small snack for long trips. Which just equals poor choice in snacks, money you didn’t want to spend and a grabby mommy. And when mama ain’t happy; nobody is happy!

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