Mommy Moment Monday: Home Organization Tips


Today was a great day. I had MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) this morning and was able to connect with some great moms. Not only did we have our Thanksgiving meeting (which meant Thanksgiving themed brunch) it was also a round robin with 7 different speakers on 7 different important mommy topics; and I was a speaker! Luckily I did not talk on time management since I was a few minutes late because I realized I hadn’t used the restroom yet this morning. However, I did talk about home organization. Between three kids and nine therapists the file through my home weekly, I feel a constant need to make my home presentable. They are constantly on the ground or sitting out our dinning room table for work. I never want them to feel like they are uncomfortable sitting down due to the state of my home.  A few of the tips I shared, I have already shared with you all; and a few are new. Either way, here is a round up of some mommy tips we use to keep our home organized (noticed I didn’t say clean, hehe.)

1) Sock basket. This was one of the first posts I did back in February of this year. We still employ it now. In our home, like most, my children were forever pulling apart their matching socks and ending up with three socks. They would fuss and draw out getting reading in the morning because there were only three socks left. First off, they only have two feet, so why are we worried about three socks? We have enough socks to cover the feet we have. We will worry about the one sock later.  You can call it lazy, but I like to think of it as a teaching lesson. So I instituted the sock basket.

2) Kids kitchen storage basket; another post from earlier this year. I like to teach my children independence and that mom or dad or anyone else for that matter, does not always have to do things for them. My children are old enough to ask for a snack or a drink and I felt time they were capable of getting simple things on their own. I bought two cheapo baskets from Walmart and placed them in a kitchen cabinet low enough they could access it. In addition to the baskets, I had the kids start emptying the dishwasher on a daily basis.

Up onto that point it was sorta hit or miss. Again, I felt my kids were getting to the age, or past it, where they are able to help around the house. I had seen to many friends start having to fork over a portion or their paycheck to pay for their children allowance. I wondered why they waited so long to institute chores. Then I had a light bulb moment- they didn’t have to be chores if you simply instill in them they are household or family responsibilities. I feel that if you start a child early on household responsibilities they will grow up knowing they are helping out their family instead of feeling like they reserve some type of token or rewards.

So not only do my children unload their dishes and the silverware (I take out the sharp objects) they are capable of getting themselves a glass of water or a small snack. Warning: If you have younger children they will follow lead and do what their older brothers and sisters do. At one point I thought my fridge was leaking. I called out maintenance who informed me it was not my fridge, but my very intelligent and highly observational 20 month old who was coping what their older siblings were doing by getting herself a cup and trying to reach the button the water dispenser. Ugg.

3) Do not but the cute colored totes. Don’t do it. Walk away! I know they are cute with their fun colors that match the holidays but I bet you anything once you pack it all away and go next year to pull it out, you will have forgotten what you put in there. This same suggestion also goes hand in hand with clear Tupperware. Buy clear containers. For me- out of sight is out of mind. Whether it is the left overs from a month ago or rebuying the same decorations as you did last year, if you cant see what is in the box, you forget it is there. I throw out all my colored Tupperware. It was time, we got them as a wedding present. We invested in a Costco sized collection of clear contains for food storage. It has cut down our grocery bill. Now I can see what I have left over and what halfs of fruit or veggies I have and use them in a new dish. My fridge has never been so clean or organized.

But still have those cute colored 5 gallon totes for storage? I do. In order to use them and not pitch them, I bought a package of page protectors. I wrote out an inventory of what was in the tote and slipped it in the protector. Last I taped it on the tote. This works awesome if you are in the military like us and move frequently. We have learned that most moving companies don’t always want to repack those totes into their own boxed. Most times they will just take a quick look and tape them shut. We even had one company repack them with packing material and put it back in our tote. Makes moving and getting organized a whole lot easier.

4) Ditch the toy box. It is a toys death. Basically, when a toy hits the bottom it will never see the day of light again. It seems to be the small pieces, the broken toys and the outgrown toys that float to their depths. Which is great when you need to purge, but not so great for those expensive toys you bought her for her last birthday. Instead use smaller more manageable sized boxes for storage.  We repourposed our toy box (which was actually my toy box from childhood with a broken lid) into the dress up box. Most of her dresses, skirts and other bigger items go in there. Her smaller items like Barbies, Legos and baby doll stuff. Of course they are in clear totes with labels. The labels are words and photos. Words are great for early readers. It encourages them to sound things out. The pictures work great for the younger non-readers. Seeing a photo of a lego on her lego box helps her match them up and see what she has. Some might think it is a little OCD, but I think it is just common sense. Here is a peek at her shelves with smaller baskets.home organization

5) Table top organization. When you start having people, not family, filter in and out of your life on a daily basis, they do eventually become like family. There finally came a point where I told my children’s therapists to stop asking me for a glass of water and start helping themselves. I showed them were the cups where, how to get ice and press the button for water. Ok, maybe not that detailed, but I showed them around. They were coming into our home almost 20 hours a week and honestly I didn’t have time to stop every 5 seconds and answer their question where the pencils where. Finally, one day it hit me. I just need to create a way where my kids and their therapists could be independent. I seem to like that words a lot. So I drove  my happy self over to the local goodwill and stock up on the most disasterly hideous looking wide mouth vases I could find. Why? Because no matter the color in the store, they were all getting spray painted a uniform color of silver to match my decor. And to make my idea more awesomer was the fact that they were so disgusting they were deeply discounted. When it was all said and done about a hour later, I had a very cheap (I already had the basket in storage) and effective supply basket for the kids. There is a vase for all the remotes, pencils and sharper, markers, a few coloring books, wipes and a one for randomness. Another warning: said 20 month old from #2 will watch older siblings and find the only paper she can (which happens to be her brothers report card which was three weeks over due), climb up on the table, grab a nice brown marker and color all over the paper.
table top organization


Hoped some of these tips helped you. I know they have helped me and saved me time.

The Moment When…

The moment when you wonder why you cant hear anything all a sudden during a phone call.

I had to drop off something at a friends house. While I was there I had the kids stay in the car (it was pouring rain and I was NOT dragging them out) and ran into her house to grab something. She needed to hand me a check, but we weren’t sure who to make it out to. So I decided to call the business and get some more information. The employee answers the phone and we have a brief little 10 second conversation before the phone goes silent. I pull the phone off my ear and see the call is still going. I check to make sure I didn’t hit the mute or hold button. And then I start in…”Hello, Hello, HEllo, HELlo, HELLo, HELLLLOOOOO”. Nothing. So I hang up. I call back. The same guy answers. He was so sweet he acts like nothing happened. Which at this point I thought was just a bad connection. I gather the information I need and run back to my car.

In the car my kids are laughing. Laughing so hard that Diva and SB, who are super snotty with colds, are coughing. I thought it was so bad, SB might be having a asthma attack. But no, they were all just laughing. No one could tell me what happen and I decided ignorance was bliss at this point.

By the time we get home, only about a mile away, everyone is a little calmer. Then Diva asks why there was “like a angry guy talking in the car”. I am clueless. She then precedes to tell me how she thinks it is a Autobot; then clarifies that she thinks it was Megaton. So now her and Bug are recreating this elaborate story of how Megaton was in the car with them and they were trying to talk to him. I am at a complete lose for words having no idea what they are talking about, but find it cute and amusing. Then it hits me. I ask Diva again what Megaton said. She says he said “HELLLOOOOOOOO!”.

Palm hit face. I realized that the entire time I thought I was trying to talk to the employee my blue tooth in my car had played my phone call in my car through my speakers. No wonder the phone call was still in progress with no sound. The employee was listening to my kids in the car.

Tricare and Therapy Thursday: Can I Get A Second Opinion?


A lot of people sigh and tend to go with the flow in regards to Tricare; especially if they are on Prime. My family is on Tricare Prime, where we have no co pays and must be seen at certain doctors and facilities.

I entered our insurance relationship with the understanding that I had no choice what so ever in regards to my healthcare. The doctor we were assigned was the doctor we had to use. Regardless of level of care. I discovered I didn’t want to make waves with the professional in charge of my care. Who was to say they would do something malicious to you (that’s how my mind thinks)? I’d rather make nice nice with the person I’m requesting Prozac from. But what do you do when you don’t agree with their answer or course of care (or lack there of)?

This has been happening to me and now SB. We all know as mommy lions, we will never take no for an answer or let someone walk on us in regards to care for our children. However, as I have stated before it is a entirely different story when the person you need to fight for is you.

I have been dealing with a negligent doctor since May. He seemed to think I was a bored housewife. He was sorely mistaken; I am plenty busy. Once my MRI showed “several” brain lesions his story quickly changed. Then it went to “either you have MS or plain crappy luck”. Well I’m here to tell you I do not have MS. A spinal tap and a horrible week of recovery proved that. However, since I now have just  “crappy luck”, I am no longer worth his time. He has taken over 2 months to write his case notes for my PCM to review and take whatever action he feels. My PCM feels it is a different issue entirely, however, how do you explain these brain lesions; other than scary! I feel I need a second opinion. But how do I do that? Should I do that? Yes, I should. I’m worth it! Since I have decided to pursue this course of action for myself, you can bet I will do it for SB. So my first question is where do you start?

Tricare has already gone ahead and provided a short little answer for those searching via their website. It states “If you want a second opinion, go to your PCM and explain your situation and any questions you may have about the first specialist’s suggested care.” This is a great lead on how to pursue a second opinion, but what if you want a second opinion from your PCM? To me it would be completely awkward to go to my PCM telling them I don’t agree and want another opinion. I like to avoid confrontation at all costs, if there is a will, there is a way.

My suggestion is to go to your Tricare office. Every base has one. Ours is located next to the pharmacy. The other choice I have is scheduling a appointment with another doctor. Several times, I have made an appointment with another doctor in the family practice because I know they will be honest with me about the situation. I am a busy mom, I have no time for nonsensical stuff and will tell you so. Much like today when I walked into my PCM’s office and I told him I was not depressed and his answer was “yes, you are”. Sometimes you are so far at the end of your rope that your “give a crap” button is broken. So when he just called me back a minute ago (while written this post) I let him know I didn’t agree with him. And you know what? He wasn’t too butt hurt about it.

Wordy Wednesday: Routine

One day HH


Well, ok. We all pretty much know what routine is. However, those of us with ASD kids typically have to take that to the extreme. We do things we normally wouldn’t do and go above and beyond to make our routines happen to appease those little ones in our lives. Just so their little lives stay “routine”. Then one day I had a realization. I started feeling like maybe I had ASD, or maybe I was just going crazy. I realized that I had to have routine too and if I didn’t I basically threw a tantrum myself. Well, not the whole, body flinging, sobbing, throwing-up part my children play, but the more silent one with “angry eyes”.

During my morning routine this today I ran across something I thought was important to show. My daily routine. I have been working on a book including all my crazy family and kid stories. I want to show other moms with ASD kids that it isn’t all about the scary, the tantrums and the routines we are forced to live and follow. So when I saw this challenge flash across my Facebook feed, I felt it was worth a shot to show everyone out there that we all lead similar lives. We need to look at them in the positive and never feel like we are the only ones facing this lifestyle.

So I took the “One Day” challenge put on by Hollywood Housewife. Follow me on Instagram to see my day. Every photo is about 5 minutes worth of a part of my day. I’d love to see yours too, leave a comment bellow if your playing too.